How to install MongoDB in Ubuntu: Installing MongoDB on your Ubuntu system is essential for many developers and database administrators looking to leverage this powerful NoSQL database for their applications. In this blog, we will walk you through the process of installing MongoDB in Ubuntu, ensuring a smooth setup. This guide follows the official MongoDB installation documentation for Ubuntu, which can be found here.
Step 1: Check Ubuntu Version
Before installing MongoDB, you need to verify your Ubuntu version to ensure compatibility. Open a terminal and run:
cat /etc/*release
Step 2: Install Dependencies
To add MongoDB’s official GPG key and repository, you need to have gnupg and curl installed. Install these packages by running:
sudo apt-get install gnupg curl -y
Step 3: Add MongoDB GPG Key
Next, add the MongoDB GPG key to your system. This step ensures that the packages you install are from the official MongoDB source and have not been tampered with. Execute the following command:
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg -o /usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-7.0.gpg --dearmor
Step 4: Create MongoDB Source List
Now, add the MongoDB repository to your APT sources list. This allows your package manager to fetch MongoDB packages directly from the official MongoDB repository:
echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-7.0.gpg ] jammy/mongodb-org/7.0 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-7.0.list
Step 5: Update Package Database
Update your local package database to include the MongoDB repository:
sudo apt-get update
Step 6: Install MongoDB
With the repository added and your package list updated, install MongoDB by running:
sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
Step 7: Start MongoDB Service
After installation, start the MongoDB service and ensure it is running correctly:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl start mongod sudo systemctl status mongod --no-pager
You should see an output indicating that MongoDB is active and running.
Step 8: Verify Installation
Finally, verify the installation by checking the MongoDB version:
mongod --version
And access the MongoDB shell with:
Following these steps will help you install MongoDB on Ubuntu seamlessly. MongoDB is now up and running on your system, ready to handle your data storage needs with its robust and scalable features.
By ensuring you follow this guide, you can avoid common pitfalls and enjoy a hassle-free installation process. Happy coding!
How to install MongoDB in Ubuntu – Why MongoDB Was Created
MongoDB was created to address the limitations and challenges posed by traditional relational databases in handling modern, large-scale, and diverse data requirements. Here’s a closer look at the reasons behind its creation:
- Scalability: Traditional databases often struggle with scaling horizontally (i.e., distributing data across multiple servers). MongoDB was designed to be horizontally scalable, making it easier to manage large volumes of data and high traffic loads by distributing the database across many servers.
- Flexibility: Relational databases enforce a rigid schema, which can be restrictive and cumbersome when dealing with unstructured or semi-structured data. MongoDB offers a flexible, schema-less design, allowing for easy storage and retrieval of various types of data without predefined schemas.
- Performance: For certain types of applications, such as those requiring rapid read and write operations or handling large amounts of data with varying structures, traditional relational databases can be inefficient. MongoDB was built to deliver high performance for such use cases.
- Ease of Development: MongoDB’s document-oriented storage allows developers to store data in a format that closely matches the application’s data structures. This can simplify and speed up the development process by reducing the need for complex joins and data transformations.
How to install MongoDB in Ubuntu – Key Features of MongoDB
- Document-Oriented Storage: Stores data in BSON (Binary JSON) format, making it versatile for handling various data types.
- Indexing: Supports secondary indexes, including text, geospatial, and hashed indexes for efficient query execution.
- Replication: Provides high availability through replica sets, which maintain multiple copies of data across different servers.
- Sharding: Distributes data across multiple machines to support horizontal scalability and manage large data sets.
- Aggregation Framework: Offers powerful data aggregation capabilities, allowing for complex data processing and transformation.
- Ad Hoc Queries: Supports dynamic queries, enabling the execution of real-time, ad hoc queries on data.
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